| ![]() DOE-HDBK-3027-99
technical specialty area to assist customers in identifying the best individuals or mixes of expertise
needed to support the customer's projects. [DOE G 450.4-1]
Head of the Contracting Activity (HCA): Head of a DOE element who has been delegated
authority by the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Procurement and Assistance Management to (1)
award and administer contracts, sales contracts, and/or financial assistance instruments; (2)
appoint contracting officers; and (3) exercise the overall responsibility or managing the
contracting activity. [DOE G 450.4-1]
Integrated Safety Management System: A Safety Management System (SMS) systematically
integrates safety into management and work practices at all levels as required by DOE P 450.4,
SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM POLICY, and the other related Policies: DOE P 450.5
and DOE P 450.6. [DOE G 450.4-1]
Letter of Appointment: The Approval Authority's written designation of a Team Leader,
selected from the approved team leader list. This letter directs the Team Leader to select and
form a team to conduct an ISMS verification at a site, facility, or activity. The letter outlines the
scope of the verification effort, the tentative dates of the verification, and any special instructions
to the Team Leader.
Line Management: Any management level within the line organization, including contractor
management, that is responsible and accountable for directing and conducting work. [DOE G
Phase I ISMS Review: A review of the documentation as submitted to the Approval Authority
by the contractor. This review is not only a review of the ISMS Description documentation, but
is also a review of the procedures, policies, and manuals of practice used to implement safety
management. The review evaluates how these procedures, policies, and manuals of practice
have been implemented at the upper levels of management and includes detailed discussions with
key management personnel who are assigned, or will be assigned safety management
Phase II ISMS Review: A review to determine that the ISMS, as approved by the HCA,
satisfactorily implemented at the site, facility, or activity. The review is normally accomplished by
sampling at various facilities or activities to determine that the safety management system
outlined in the ISMS Description is in fact being effectively carried out.
Qualified Team Leader: A person selected from a list of Senior Technical Safety Managers
who has been approved by the Director, Safety Management Implementation Team. Additional
Team Leaders may be added to the Approved Team Leader List after the member has
successfully served on at least one team and was recommended by an Approved Team Leader.
Qualified Team Member: A person selected by the Team Leader with appropriate technical or
managerial skills and assessment experience, as required, to conduct the review. The ISMS
verification membership list of qualified DOE team members can be supplemented by experienced
contractor personnel who have successfully participated in, and qualified for, other DOE
assessments such as Operational Readiness Reviews (ORRs). A list of qualified team members
will be maintained by the CTG.
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