| ![]() DOE-HDBK-3027-99
ISMS Verification Review Plan (RP): The plan developed by the Team Leader to conduct the
ISMS verification.
Work: Process of performing a defined task or activity; for example, research and development,
operations, maintenance and repair, administration, software development and use, inspection,
safeguards and security, data collection, and analysis. [DOE G 450.4-1]
Work Authorization: The process used by line management to permit a task or activity to be
initiated as planned, having determined that it can be performed safely. [DOE G 450.4-1]
Work for Others: The performance of work for non-DOE entities by DOE/contractor personnel
and/or the use of DOE facilities that is not directly funded by DOE appropriation. [DOE G
Work Planning: The process of planning a defined task or activity. Addressing safety as an
integral part of work planning includes execution of the safety-related functions in preparation for
performance of a scope of work. These functions include (1) definition of the scope of work; (2)
formal analysis of the hazards bringing to bear in an integrated manner specialists in both ES&H
and engineering, depending on specific hazards identified; (3) identification of resulting safety
controls including safety structures, systems and components, and other safety-related
commitments to address the hazards; and (4) approval of the safety controls. [DOE G 450.4-1]
Worker(s): Those individuals involved in tasks directly related to the safe accomplishment of
work, which is consistent with the in-place ISMS. Such tasks include a scope of work from the
inception of mission/design through accomplishment of the work and lessons learned. Workers
could include for example: craftsmen, operators, planners, designers, safety professionals,
responsible supervisors, and managers (in some cases). These examples serve only as a guide to
the possible breadth of "workers" in a given task and are not meant as a minimum or maximum
complement of any ISMS verification team.
5.1 Purpose of ISMS Verification
The primary purpose of the ISMS verification is to review the adequacy of the contractor' ISMS
and its implementation in order to provide a recommendation to the Approval Authority. A
secondary purpose is to evaluate the role of DOE in the implementation and oversight of the
contractor' ISMS. ISMS verifications are more subjective and wide ranging than other DOE
reviews such as ORRs and oversight activities. By its very nature, this is a subjective review
requiring mature leadership. There are many ways to satisfy ISMS requirements and good
judgment and practical experience are often needed to identify the real issues and concerns.
The ISMS verification activities should be well planned and coordinated by an approved Team
Leader. The Team Leader should carefully plan the review process and select and assemble a
dedicated team of safety management professionals. Dedicated is used here to mean that during
the period for the review, the team member will devote his/her time exclusively to the verification
review as opposed to his/her normal duties. The PSO or HCA may assist the Team Leader in
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