| ![]() DOE-HDBK-3027-99
approaches (facility or activity reviews) while not restricted by policy, may be more
difficult to administer and evaluate.
b. When tasked to conduct a two-phase review, it is important to ensure that issues
affecting implementation are appropriately relegated to Phase II. It is appropriate to
provide implementation issues to the contractor informally; however, these issues should
not be made part of Phase I. At Rocky Flats, a Phase II verification at two facilities (B371
and B664) was simultaneously conducted. During the Phase I Review, implementation
issues were routinely developed and required some rethinking to categorize them
correctly. Some of the Phase I concerns affected the approach to verifying ISMS
implementation at the two facilities. While these issues were not terribly significant in the
Rocky Flats case, if there does appear to be significant issues in the Phase I verification,
then the decision to simultaneously conduct the Phase II review should be reconsidered.
c. In a combined Phase I and II ISMS verification it is incumbent on the contractor to
provide some assurance to the team that the ISMS process has been effectively established
and implemented. One method to demonstrate this accomplishment is by conducting
comprehensive ISMS independent self assessments at both the corporate and divisional
levels. The contractor can then present the documented results of these self assessments
to the ISMS verification team during the orientation discussions and later in written form
during the review.
d. In combined Phase I and Phase II ISMS verifications, the ISMS verification team
members should begin with detailed record reviews prior to proceeding to any interviews
or evolution observations. This allows the ISMS verification team member to establish a
baseline understanding for the structuring of interviews and evolution observation. For
example the development of questions related to identified lines of inquiry, the
identification of additional lines of inquiry, and the tailoring of questions to the individual
being interviewed will be more substantive. The record review provides the basis for the
Phase II evaluation. To proceed with other Phase II activities without first reviewing the
records establishing the ISMS processes is counterproductive.
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