| ![]() DOE-HDBK-3027-99
The records of program implementation should be collected and available to the
team in a central or designated location at the start of the review. The requests for
documents for this review were based upon an understanding that there would be
on-line access to the library of directives and manuals of practice. This did not
happen. The team requires ready access to the policies and procedures that are
pertinent to the operation of the site. At a site administered by an integrating
contractor, this would include subcontractors as well as the prime contractor.
Team meetings are particularly important during this phase.
A daily wrap up meeting should be held. The purpose of the meeting is to identify
issues and to ensure good coordination among sub-teams. Contractor
representatives should attend to gain first hand the status of issue development.
Feedback from the contractor should be encouraged.
d. Week Four/Report Writing and Briefings . A one week period was used to prepare
the report and to brief contractor and DOE management on the results of the review.
This period is considered essential to ensure a quality report is prepared on site before the
team is released. For a site-wide verification, one week is considered necessary. The
following lessons learned are applicable to the report writing phase:
Clear and consistent expectations for the form and content of the Assessment
Forms needs to be provided to the team at the start of the review. This is
especially true for those team members who have not had experience in writing
assessment forms such as used in an ISMS verification.
Some suggested scale to grade potential issues should be established prior to the
final report writing phase. Categorization of issues should be clearly defined for
the team members.
5. Report. A report similar in form to an ORR Report was drafted to document the team
findings. Assessment Forms (Form 1s) were utilized to provide results form the record reviews,
interviews, and observations. For this report, no Deficiency Forms (Form 2s) were used. Issues,
where identified, were identified as "Findings." Noteworthy practices were also highlighted.
Groupings of findings were binned as "Opportunities for Improvements." If a Phase I and Phase
II review are completed simultaneously, as in this case, the results should be compiled in a single
report. Attempting to address the Phase I and Phase II discussions separately in the final report
hampered the conduct of this review as the issues were deeply interrelated. If this approach is
considered appropriate at a given site, a verification of the documentation which comprises the
ISMS should be reviewed followed by an implementation verification at an appropriate number of
6. General Recommendations
a. The establishment of a site-wide ISMS Description provides the optimum opportunity
for an ISMS verification team to fully evaluate an ISMS baseline. Where it is possible to
conduct ISMS reviews on a site-wide basis, this option should be exercised. Other
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