| ![]() DOE-HDBK-3027-99
NOTE: The primary focus of this section of the review is the identification of hazards and
development, review, and approval of Authorization Basis documentation at the facility level.
Controls for individual work items or activities will be evaluated by the Operations and Subject
Matter Expert functional area.
HAZ.1 The full spectrum of hazards associated with the Scope of Work is identified, analyzed,
and categorized. Those individuals responsible for the analysis of the environmental, health and
safety, and worker protection hazards are integrated with personnel assigned to analyze the
processes. (CE II-2)
1. Procedures and/or mechanisms are in place and utilized by personnel to ensure hazards
associated with the work throughout the facility have been identified and analyzed. The
resulting documentation is defined, complete, and meets DOE expectations. The execution of
these mechanisms ensure personnel responsible for the analysis of environmental, health and
safety concerns are integrated with those assigned to analyze the hazards for the facility or
activity. These mechanisms ensure direction and approval from line management and
integration of the requirements.
2. Procedures and/or mechanisms are in place and utilized by personnel that describe the
interfaces, roles and responsibilities of those personnel who identify and analyze the hazards
of the scope of work. Personnel assigned to accomplish those roles are competent to execute
those responsibilities.
Record Review: Review the documents that govern the conduct, review, and approval of
facility or activity hazard analysis and documentation such as Process Hazards Analysis
(PHA), Preliminary Hazards Review (PHR), Preliminary Safety Analysis Report (PSAR), job
hazards analysis (JHA), and Work Control Permits (WCP). Verify that these records
conform to the hazard analysis requirements. Coordinate the review of work related
documents such as Job Hazard Analysis (JHAs), and WCPs with the OP and SME functional
area reviewers.
Interviews: Interview personnel responsible for the identification and analysis of work
hazards. In nuclear facilities, for example, this should include personnel responsible for USQ
determination, lock and tag preparation, procedure technical reviews, etc.
Observations: If possible, observe the actual preparation and field implementation of the
analysis of hazards. In nuclear facilities, this should include an Unreviewed Safety Question
Determination (USQD), preparation of a JHA, SAR/TSR, or Criticality Safety Evaluation,
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