| DOE-HDBK-3027-99
HAZ.2 An integrated process has been established and is utilized to develop controls that
mitigate the identified hazards present within a facility or activity. The set of controls ensure
adequate protection of the public, worker, and the environment and are established as agreed
upon by DOE. These mechanisms demonstrate integration, which merge together at the
workplace. (CE II-3)
1. Procedures and/or mechanisms are in place to develop, review, approve and maintain
current all elements of the facility Authorization Basis Documentation with an integrated
2. Procedures and/or mechanisms that identify and implement appropriate controls for
hazards mitigation within the facility or activity are developed and utilized by workers (see
Section 4 for definition) and approved by line managers. These procedures/mechanisms
reflect the set of safety requirements agreed to by DOE.
3. Standards and requirements are appropriately tailored to the hazards.
4. Procedures and/or mechanisms are in place to develop, maintain, and utilize Authorization
5. Procedures and/or mechanisms are in place to effectively and accurately implement all
aspects of the Authorization Basis.
Record Review: Review a sample of hazard control documents to verify safety controls are
provided for the hazards identified and that the control strategy encompasses a hierarchy of
1) hazard elimination, 2) engineering controls, 3) administrative controls, and 4) personnel
protective equipment. Typical documents include Authorization Agreements (AAs), Safety
Analysis Reports (SARs), Technical Safety Requirements (TSRs), Health and Safety Plans
(HASPs), Radiological Work Permits (RWPs), operating procedures, etc. Review
procedures and mechanisms to ensure accurate and effective implementation of Authorization
Basis documentation. Sample actual implementing documentation. Coordinate the review of
work related documents such as RWPs and operating procedures with the OP and SME
functional area reviewers.
Interviews: Interview personnel responsible for developing and implementing hazard controls
and/or Authorization Basis Documentation at the facility level. This should include personnel
such as those responsible for SAR/TSR preparations and implementation, ALARA review
requirements, Process Hazard Analysis activities, etc.
Observations: Observe the actual processes development, review, approval, and
implementation of SAR/TSR, AA, and other Authorization Basis Documents as available.
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