| ![]() DOE-HDBK-3027-99
BBC.3 The contractor procedures and practices ensure that personnel who define the scope of
work and allocate resources have competence that is commensurate with the assigned
responsibilities. (CE I-8)
1. Contractor procedures ensure that the personnel including line management who define,
prioritize, and approve the scope of work and allocate resources have competence that is
commensurate with the assigned responsibilities.
2. Personnel who actually participate in definition of the scope of work and allocate
resources demonstrate competence to prioritize and approve work with tailored hazard
Record Review: Review organizational documentation to determine the personnel positions
with responsibility associated with this objective. Review the position description for those
positions. Review the personnel records that identify the individual qualifications that meet
the elements of the position descriptions. Review any training or qualification material
including corporate/site manuals that support gaining or verifying competence to fill the
Interviews: Interview selected individuals and managers whose responsibilities include
defining the scope of work and allocation of resources to determine competence in
prioritizing and approving work with tailored hazard controls.
Observations: None.
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