| ![]() DOE-HDBK-3027-99
BBC.2 DOE and contractor budgeting and resource assignment procedures include a process to
ensure the application of balanced priorities. Resources are allocated to address safety,
programmatic, and operational considerations. Protecting the public, workers, and environment
is a priority whenever activities are planned and performed. (CE I-2, CE I-7)
1. The prioritization and allocation process clearly addresses both ES&H and programmatic
needs. The process involves line management input and approval of the results.
2. Priorities include commitments and agreements to DOE as well as stakeholders.
3. Contractor procedures provide resources to adequately analyze hazards associated with
the work being planned.
4. Contractor procedures for allocating resources include provisions for implementation of
hazard controls for tasks being funded.
5. Resource allocations reflect the tailored hazard controls.
6. The incentive and performance fee structure promote balanced priorities.
7. DOE procedures for defining the scope of work ensure balanced priorities. (FRAM 9.2.3)
Record Review: Review corporate/site manuals of practice that describe the budget and
planning process and those documents that address the assignment of budget priority as well
as the procedures for their development. Review DOE procedures that identify mission
requirements, balancing of resource allocations, and approval of contractor plans in the work
authorization documents.
Select several mission tasks from the DOE requirements and outyear planning documents to
determine if they adequately address the assignment of resources with balanced priorities.
Select several current year authorizations and review selected funded tasks at the individual
task level to verify balanced priorities.
Interviews: Interview responsible DOE and contractor personnel who manage the budget
process to determine their understanding of the priority for assigning resources. Interview
line managers responsible for DOE mission accomplishment. Interview the ES&H manager
to determine the process used for integration of safety into mission tasks. Interview selected
managers at each level of corporate/site organizations to determine their understanding of the
allocation of resources with appropriate priority.
Observations: If possible, observe actual budgetary discussions (including meetings involving
the development of the outyear planning documents) within and between DOE and the
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