| ![]() DOE-HDBK-3027-99
DOE.2 DOE procedures and mechanisms ensure that hazards are analyzed, controls are
developed, and that feedback and improvement programs are in place and effective. DOE line
managers are using these processes effectively, consistent with FRAM and FRA requirements.
(CE II-8)
1. DOE processes and/or mechanisms are in place to ensure that the contractor' hazard
analysis covers the hazards associated with the work and is sufficient for selecting standards.
(FRAM 9.3.1)
2. DOE procedures and/or mechanisms are in place in which DOE directs the contractor to
propose facility or activity-specific standards tailored to the work and the hazards. DOE
procedures require that appropriate safety requirements in necessary functional areas are
included in contracts. (FRAM 9.4.1)
3. DOE procedures and/or mechanisms are in place that direct DOE line manager oversight
to ensure that implementation of hazards mitigation programs and controls are established.
(FRAM 9.4.2)
4. DOE procedures and/or mechanisms are in place that direct the preparation of the
authorization basis documentation and oversee the implementation by the contractor.
Procedures for development, review, approval, maintenance, and utilization of Authorization
Agreements are implemented. (FRAM 9.4.3)
5. DOE procedures and/or mechanisms require that contractors develop a lessons- learned
program and monitor its implementation. A process is established for reviewing occurrence
reports and approving proposed corrective action reports. A DOE process is established and
effectively implemented to continuously improve efficiency and quality of operations.
Corrective actions are developed, implemented, and tracked in order to profit from prior
experience and the lessons learned. DOE provides effective line oversight of the contractor'
self-assessment programs. (FRAM 9.6.2)
Record Review: Review the FRAM/FRA and DOE implementing guidance to determine that
a process for ensuring that effective interfaces with the contractor' ISMS has been
established. Review DOE procedures for ensuring that adequate provisions are included for
verification that hazards are properly identified, analyzed, and categorized. Review the
approved and in process hazards analysis documentation to verify that contractor procedures
and mechanisms have been properly reviewed and approved. Review DOE procedures that
specify the process to be followed for the review and approval of standards and hazard
controls. Ascertain that DOE has approved the process used by the contractor to tailor the
selection of standards and requirements.
Review the process used for the review, approval, and implementation of authorization basis
documentation including authorization protocols and agreements. Review the DOE process
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