| ![]() DOE-HDBK-3027-99
MG.3 An integrated process has been established that ensures that mechanisms are in place to
ensure continuous improvements are implemented through an assessment and feedback process,
which functions at each level of work and at every stage in the work process. (CE II-5)
1. Procedures and/or mechanisms are in place and utilized by personnel to collect feedback
information such as self assessment, monitoring against performance objectives, occurrence
reporting, and routine observation. Personnel assigned these roles are competent to execute
these responsibilities.
2. Procedures are in place that develop feedback and improvement information opportunities
at the site and facility levels as well as the individual maintenance or activity level. The
information that is developed at the individual maintenance or activity level is utilized to
provide feedback and improvement during future similar or related activities.
3. Procedures and/or mechanisms are in place and utilized by managers to identify
improvement opportunities. Evaluation and analysis mechanisms should include processes for
translating operational information into improvement processes and appropriate lessons
4. Procedures and/or mechanisms are in place and utilized by managers to consider and
resolve recommendations for improvement, including worker suggestions.
5. Procedures and/or mechanisms are in place, which include a process for oversight that
ensures that regulatory compliance is maintained.
Record Review: Review the performance monitoring documentation for the feedback and
continuous improvement process. This should include such documents as occurrence reports,
shift orders, deficiency reports, post-job reviews, safety observer reports, employee concerns
programs, and reports of self assessments. Review procedures for work to determine that
adequate feedback and improvement mechanisms are in place at the individual maintenance or
activity level. Review actual data from these processes to evaluate the effectiveness of the
implementation of these mechanisms.
Interviews: Interview personnel responsible for administering the feedback and continuous
improvement progress. This should include personnel such as those responsible for
occurrence reporting, lessons learned preparation, shift orders preparation, worker concerns
program, self assessment, and oversight. Interview personnel responsible for capturing and
utilizing feedback and improvement information during individual maintenance or other work
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