| ![]() DOE-HDBK-3027-99
1. Team. The team assembled for the Savannah River Site (SRS) Phase I verification consisted
of DOE-HQ, DOE-SR, and contractor personnel who conducted the review over a four week
period. Most of the team members had recent ORR experience at SRS and were familiar with
site programs in the functional areas assigned. This team composition was adequate for a site-
wide review of this magnitude. A team with lesser experience would not be able to conduct an
effective evaluation in a similar time frame. Continuity of the team through the Phase I review
process is essential.
The following team member experience is considered beneficial in conducting ISMS verifications:
expertise in a functional area; site experience (especially familiarity and understanding of site
programs); assessment experience (Assessment, Audits, ORRs); ISMS training (knowledge of
ISMS Policy, Guide, and Verification Team Leader' Handbook). The verification team will lack
breadth and the review will be of reduced value if the members lack a conceptual understanding
of ISMS. The ISMS training builds on the basic, conceptual understanding of ISMS that each
team member must bring to the team. The ISMS training will not ensure an adequate
understanding unless the individual team members have already reviewed the policy, FRAM, the
DEAR, and the ISMS Guide to gain an appreciation for the principles and functions of ISMS.
2. Tailoring and Functional Areas Selected for Review. Five functional areas were
established for the review. These areas were Business, Budget, and Contracts (BBC), Hazards
Identification and Standards Selection (HAZ), Management (MG), Operations and
Implementation (OI), and DOE Savannah River Site Office (DOE-SR).
These functional areas were selected for a logical grouping of experts for the review. The
Operations and Implementation functional area was further augmented by four Subject Matter
Expert (SME) areas. Areas of SME expertise included maintenance and work control, industrial
safety/industrial hygiene, training, and radiological controls. Additional SME areas considered
but not addressed included quality assurance, criticality safety engineering, configuration
management, and environmental compliance. These areas were not sampled. This tailored
approach eliminated some potential review areas, however, these areas were not expected to
show weaknesses in the establishment of ISMS at the site. The functional areas appeared to be a
good selection and permitted a comprehensive sampling of the safety functions and guiding
principles of ISMS. Subsequent reviews have revealed that functional areas of BBC, HAZ, MG,
and DOE are generally sufficient for a Phase I verification. SME evaluations have generally been
performed in Phase II.
3. Criteria and Review Approach Document (CRAD) Development. The CRADs developed
for this verification were developed in a format similar to CRADs used for Operational Readiness
Reviews (ORRs). These CRADs permitted a thorough review of the ISMS Description. It
should be noted that the CRADs used in subsequent verifications must be individually tailored for
the site, facility, or activity.
4. Review Sequence. A four week period was established to prepare the team, conduct the
review, and prepare the report. An initial site visit by the Team Leader was conducted well
before the start of the review to meet site personnel responsible for ISMS and discuss the conduct
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