| ![]() DOE-HDBK-3027-99
5.0 Phase II ISMS Verification Letter of Appointment: You should prepare an ISMS
verification review plan for my approval, select and train the team, and confirm readiness to
conduct the verification. The following documents to assist you in the determination of the scope
of your review are attached: the contractor's ISMS Description; the Report of the Phase I ISMS
verification with recommendations; and direction to the contractor concerning implementation of
the ISMS.
6.0 Desired Deliverables from the review: The Phase II ISMS verification team should
document the review with a report written in accordance with the guidance of Appendix 7 to the
ISMS verification Process Team Leader' Handbook. The report should include any
recommended actions that the team considers necessary or desirable to ensure work is done
7.0 Prerequisites for Phase II ISMS Verification: The ORR for XYZ 8 must be completed.
In addition, the conditions discussed in my letter that approved the contractor's ISMS Description
concerning implementation of new or modified programs must be met. The contractor will
provide written confirmation when the conditions discussed in the ISMS approval letter have
been met.
8.0 Reviews that reduce the scope of the Phase II ISMS Verification: The following reviews
should be considered as indicated to reduce or modify the scope of the verification for XYZ:
1. At Headquarter's direction, a sitewide evaluation of the maintenance program was
completed six months ago. Few deficiencies were noted and the program was determined
to be in compliance with ISMS. The sitewide maintenance program should be excluded
from the scope of your review except as noted above.
2. The areas that were reviewed during the ORRs at XYZ 1 and XYZ 8 should not be
repeated. Satisfactory resolution of ORR findings should be evaluated. For XYZ 1, the
contractor self assessment program, as well as the assessment program by the assigned
Facility Representative should be evaluated.
3. The sitewide RCRA Compliance inspection determined that conditions were in
accordance with the applicable CFR and the Permit. This area should not be included in
the review beyond an assessment of the adequacy of the management of the issues
identified by the review.
4. EH completed an assessment of XYZ 2 and XYZ 6 nine months ago. Areas that were
evaluated by that review should not be repeated in the Phase II ISMS verification beyond
a verification of the adequacy of the contractor's management of the issues, which were
raised by the EH assessment.
9.0 Estimated date for Commencement: The Phase II ISMS verification should commence as
soon as possible following the ORR of XYZ 8 and following the contractor's verification that the
implementation of the ISMS has been completed.
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