| ![]() DOE-HDBK-3027-99
verification, one week is considered adequate. This period is considered essential to ensure a
quality report is prepared on site before the team is released.
(5) Report. A report similar in form to an ORR Report was drafted to document the team
findings. No Form Deficiency Forms (Form 2) were used. Issues, where identified, were
highlighted in the Assessment Form. Only Assessment Forms (Form 1) were used. This worked
well. Categorizing problems in the form of "Issues," "Concerns," and "Observations" may be
(6) General Recommendations
a. The establishment of a site-wide ISMS Description provides the optimum opportunity for
an ISMS verification team to fully evaluate an ISMS baseline. Where it is possible to conduct
ISMS reviews on a site-wide basis, this option should be exercised. Other approaches
(facility or activity reviews) while not restricted by policy, may be more difficult to administer
and evaluate and less efficient.
b. The ISMS verification is normally conducted in two phases. Phase I involves a review of
the ISMS Description including enabling documents and processes. Phase II involves the
acceptability of the ISMS implementation. A review of the documentation without
consideration of the implementation process is not a totally worthwhile exercise. It is
considered necessary that a review of any ISMS Description include the implementation of
that ISMS at least at the corporate or division level.
c. When tasked to conduct a two-phase review, it is important to ensure that issues affecting
implementation are appropriately relegated to Phase II. It is appropriate to provide
implementation issues to the contractor informally; however, these issues should not be made
a part of Phase I. At SRS, the ISMS was reported as implemented. During the Phase I
Review, implementation issues were routinely developed and required some rethinking to
categorize them correctly.
d. The contractor should develop and provide the ISMS verification team with key
summarized information that assists in the evaluation of the core functions and guiding
principles. Examples are:
C calendars of ISMS related events and work evolutions
C a key document locator reference
C site maps and facility layouts
C ISMS mechanism/process flow diagrams and descriptions
C organization charts, phone/fax/e-mail lists
C key roles and responsibilities at each level of the organization
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