| ![]() DOE-HDBK-3027-99
C Some interviews were scheduled with multiple team members attending. This
sometimes intimidates the interviewee, but time constraints may make this
unavoidable. When possible, this practice should be avoided. The Team Leader
should insist that one team member be the interviewer. That person can collect data
for other team members as required.
C Should it be necessary for more than one team member to be involved in an interview,
team members should agree on an approach to follow prior to starting the interview.
C In the team preparation phase, team members should be briefed on proper interview
technique. For ISMS verification efforts it is important to identify the purpose of the
interview at the beginning of the interview session.
C Do not plan interviews for the first day of the review. It is better to start the first day
of the review with the team dedicated to reviewing records. This permitted the
interview schedule to be reviewed by the team and adjusted if necessary. The team
can be more focused after reviewing the records.
C Consider assigning pagers to team members so that they may be notified promptly of
interview schedule changes.
C The contractor should provide advance information to their employees on the purpose
and expectations of ISMS. This will assist them in preparing for the interview and
review process.
C The records of program implementation should be collected and available to the team
in a central or designated location at the start of the review.
d. Facility Reviews in support of Providing a Phase II Recommendation . The Approval
Authority (Field Office Manager at SRS) directed that the Phase I activities include a review of
eleven priority facilities to provide a recommendation for an approach to be used to conduct
Phase II verifications. During a two week period outside of the Phase I review schedule,
personnel from the team conducted a two-day review of each of the eleven priority facilities. The
review included a table top presentation of the status of ISMS programs given by facility
management, a review of records (e.g., Operational Readiness Reviews, Facility Evaluation
Board Reports, EH Oversight Reports, Occurrences and pertinent facility documentation), and a
facility walkdown. The facility walkdown was conducted to provide an assessment of facility
operating and material conditions. The results of these reviews were presented to the team
during the review and formed the basis for recommended actions in Phase II. Where facilities had
recently undergone ORRs and extensive oversight, and had demonstrated safe operations,
recommendations were appropriately tailored and credit for these evaluations was given as
meeting Phase II goals. This process is considered to be effective in providing a tailored
approach to assessing actions required to meet ISMS criteria for Phase II.
(4) Week Four/Report writing and Briefings. A one week period was used to prepare the
report and to brief contractor and DOE management on the results of the review. For a site-wide
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