| ![]() DOE-HDBK-3027-99
assembling the dedicated team of safety professionals by placing high priority on the effort. This
may ensure that the selected team members are made available for the duration of the verification.
As more experience is gained in ISMS verifications, it is envisioned that each DOE site should be
able to conduct these reviews, when appropriate, using their own qualified staff. A goal of this
handbook is to provide information useful in developing personnel to conduct these reviews. In
all cases, the review should be well coordinated and documented and should confirm the
capability of DOE and the contractor to implement all aspects of the ISMS as required in DOE
policies, the DEAR, and the FRAM. The role of DOE in the success of the ISMS implemented
by the contractor is a major one that cannot be overstated.
It is Departmental policy (DOE P 450.4, 450.5, and 450.6) that safety management systems are
integrated into management, operations, and work practices at all levels of the Department's
facilities. In simple and straightforward terms, the department will "do work safely." These
concepts are embodied as requirements in the DEAR clause of 48 CFR 970, the FRAM, and as
amplified by DOE policies as noted above and in DOE G 450.4-1. The Department is committed
to achieving an integrated safety management system for all its activities as appropriate. This
handbook provides an acceptable process for the review and approval of the ISMS Description
plus approaches and methodologies for evaluation of the implementation of these agreements in
site and facility operations.
According to the DEAR Clause, "Guidance on the preparation, content, review, and approval of
the system will be provided by the contracting officer." The "system" being described is the
Integrated Safety Management System (ISMS) and the means by which the ISMS is normally
presented to DOE for review and approval is for the contractor to prepare an ISMS Description.
Experience has shown that the Contracting Officer's guidance is best developed through a process
that includes consultation with the contractor. So, it may evolve somewhat as the actual ISMS is
being developed. It is, therefore, important that the ISMS Description be maintained under a
configuration and change control process. The Contracting Officer's guidance to the contractor
will be used by the ISMS verification team as one of the principle elements against which the
ISMS is reviewed.
For the ISMS to be effective, contractor and DOE field organizations must integrate the
contractor' ISMS with DOE requirements outlined in DOE M 411.1-1, MANUAL OF
SAFETY MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONS (FRAM). At the Field Element level these
requirements are promulgated in lower tiered Functions, Responsibilities, and Authorities (FRA)
documents. The FRAM/FRA documents highlight many important DOE functions necessary for
the development and implementation of an ISMS. These DOE functions will also be reviewed
during ISMS verifications. DOE elements essential to the development and implementation of
ISMS are discussed in detail in Volume I, Chapter III of DOE G 450.4-1, ISMS GUIDE.
5.2 The Phase I Verification
The following sections broadly describe the activities, decisions, and sequence of events
necessary to provide the Approval Authority with a recommendation for the approval of the
ISMS Description for a given site, facility, or activity. The Phase I verification process is
outlined by a flow chart, which is included as Figure 1 of this handbook.
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