| ![]() DOE-HDBK-3027-99
Phase I and Phase II verifications. It is not a trivial exercise to get the Review Plan right. It is
one of the most important challenges of the entire combined verification process.
The conduct of the review must be carefully planned. For the Review Plan to be effectively
utilized, it is necessary that the team determine the status of development of the implementing
mechanisms before evaluating the implementation of those mechanisms at the work place. The
quality and content of the presentations made to the team by the contractor and DOE is key to
success in this important aspect of the verification process. The discussion of the content and
agenda for the presentations provided in Appendix 5 should be carefully considered as the
presentations for a combined verification are being planned.
Another challenge to the combined verification is the final report. The report must clearly define
the recommendation as to whether the ISMS Description should be approved or what changes to
the Description are considered to be necessary. In addition, the report must discuss the status of
implementation of the mechanisms, including a discussion of a recommended path forward to
verify corrective actions or conduct additional verifications, if required. Experience indicates that
the entire verification should be included in a single report. The interrelationships between the
Phase I aspects of the verification and the Phase II aspects are too tightly intertwined to
effectively separate the report of each phase.
Another challenge associated with the report is the decision as to how it should be structured.
Several choices are possible. It could be structured by functional areas or by CRAD. It could
also be structured by the functions and principles of Integrated Safety Management. It could also
be structured with a Phase I and Phase II focus. The choice of how the report is to be focused
and structured must be made before the start of the verification and integrated into the Review
Plan. The Team Leader should review past reports for information and for guidance. The
Approval Authority Letter of Appointment to the Team Leader should also provide insight into
the expectations and the desires of the AA as to the content and the format of the report. The
ability of the team to successful complete the verification including issuing a report, will depend
on the prior planning and decisions associated with the format, focus, and content of the report.
If the conditions at the site, facility, or activity are right, a combined review should be considered.
It will save time and resources for the site and for the verification team. It will challenge the
planning and management skills of the Team as well as the site. It will, however be worth the
6.4 The Report of the ISMS Verification
The report of the ISMS verification should be the basis by which the Approval Authority will
determine the results of the Phase I or Phase II reviews for the site, facility, or activity. The
report should be sufficiently detailed to allow a knowledgeable reader an understanding of the
verification process. The report should contain a conclusion and recommendation by the Team as
to whether the Phase I or Phase II results meet the direction for that site, facility, or activity. The
report process should have a provision for the team members to provide dissenting opinions or
individual observations not reflected by the team as a whole. In that the report is the record of
the review, it is as important as the review itself.
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