| ![]() DOE-HDBK-5504-95
48. Hazardous Materials: Any solid, liquid, or gaseous material that is toxic, flammable, radioactive,
corrosive, chemically reactive, or unstable upon prolonged storage in quantities that could pose a threat to
life, property, or the environment. This definition is applicable to DOE 5500 series Orders; it is an omnibus
term used to include both "hazardous materials" as defined by the Hazardous Materials Transportation Act
and "hazardous substances" as defined by CERCLA.
49. Incident: Any deviation from normal operations or activities which has the potential to result in an
emergency. An incident usually refers to a malevolent act.
50. Incident Command System: As described in 29 CFR 1910.120, Appendix C, Sec. 6, the incident command
system is "an organized approach to effectively control and manage operations at an emergency incident.
The individual in charge of the ICS is the senior official responding to the incident... by implementing an
ICS there will be one individual in charge who makes the decisions and gives directions; and, all actions and
communications are coordinated through one central point of command. Such a system should reduce
confusion, improve safety, organize and coordinate actions, and should facilitate effective management of
the incident." More information about the ICS may be found in 29 CFR 1910.120, Appendix C and in
Incident Command Systems, Fire Protection Publications, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK
74078, 1983.
51. Joint Information Center (JIC): A centralized facility where organizations responding to an emergency
coordinate the release of accurate and timely information to the public and the media and provide a central
source for all instructions. A JIC is operated cooperatively by all responding levels of Federal, state, tribal,
and local governments and organizations and the involved facility.
52. Joint Nuclear Accident Coordination Center (JNACC): A joint DOE and DOD capability responsible for
maintaining current information on the location of specialized DOE and DOD teams or organizations
capable of providing nuclear weapons accident assistance. The DOE and DOD elements of JNACC are also
responsible for initiating actions to deploy response teams in the event of a nuclear weapon accident or
significant incident.
53. Lead Federal Agency (LFA): The Federal agency that owns, authorizes, regulates, or is otherwise deemed
responsible for the emergency and that has the authority to take whatever action is necessary to stabilize the
54. Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC): A committee established pursuant to EPCRA (SARA
Title III), P.L. 99-499 Sec. 301, responsible for hazmat emergency planning at the local level. According
to the statute, a LEPC must include representatives from the following groups or organizations: "elected
State and local officials; law enforcement, civil defense, firefighting, first aid, health, local environmental,
hospital, and transportation personnel; broadcast and print media; community groups; and owners and
operators of facilities subject to the requirements of this subtitle." (i.e. facilities with extremely hazardous
substances) Most states have county-level LEPCs; at least one state, Oregon, has just one statewide LEPC.
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