| ![]() DOE-HDBK-5504-95
55. National Emergency Management Team (NEMT): During a Continuity of Government (COG) Emergency,
a team composed of representatives from various Federal departments. The NEMT reestablishes the
essential domestic functions of the Executive Branch, providing guidance and policy, while delegating
authority to the Regional Emergency Management Teams (REMTs).
56. National Response Center: As described in 40 CFR 300.125(a), "The National Response Center (NRC),
located at USCG [United States Coast Guard] Headquarters, is the national communications center,
continuously manned for handling activities related to response actions. The NRC acts as the single point
of contact for all pollution incident reporting, and as the NRT [National Response Team] communications
center... The NRC receives and immediately relays telephone notices of discharges or releases to the
appropriate predesignated federal OSC [On-Scene Coordinator]."
57. Nuclear Emergency Search Team (NEST): A group of experts, assisted by radiation detection systems and
associated personnel, assigned responsibility to provide assistance in nuclear threat emergencies for the
search and identification of any ionizing radiation-producing materials that may have been lost or stolen or
may be associated with bomb threats or radiation dispersal threats.
58. Nuclear Materials (NM): All materials so designated by the Secretary of Energy. Presently, these materials
are: depleted uranium, enriched uranium, americium-241, americium-243, curium, berkelium, californium,
plutonium-238 to -242, lithium-6, uranium-233, normal uranium, neptunium-237, deuterium, tritium, and
59. Off Normal Occurrence: An abnormal or unplanned event or condition, as described in DOE 5000.3A, that
adversely affects, potentially affects, or is indicative of degradation in the safety, security, environmental
or health protection performance, or operations of a facility.
60. Offsite: The area beyond the boundaries of the site.
61. Onsite: The facility/site area over which the Lead Federal Agency has access control authority. The onsite
area includes any area that has been established as a National Defense Area or National Security Area.
62. Operation: A DOE process aimed at a specific result or product within the DOE mandate.
63. Operational Emergency: One of the three categories of emergencies. Operational Emergencies are
significant accidents, incidents, events, or natural phenomena which seriously degrade the safety or security
of DOE facilities. Operational Emergencies apply to DOE reactors and other DOE facilities (nuclear and
non-nuclear) involved with hazardous materials; DOE-controlled nuclear weapons, components, or test
devices; DOE safeguards and security events; and transportation accidents involving hazardous material.
64. Program Senior Official (PSO): (See Cognizant Secretarial Officer (CSO).)
65. Protective Action: Physical measures, such as evacuation or sheltering, taken to prevent potential health
hazards resulting from a release of hazardous materials to the environment from adversely affecting
employees or the offsite population.
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