| ![]() DOE-HDBK-5504-95
66. Protective Action Guide (PAG): A radiation personnel exposure level or range beyond which protective
action should be considered. PAG values should reflect a balance of risks and costs to onsite personnel,
public health and safety, and the environment weighed against the benefits obtained from protective actions.
Protective Action Guides have been issued by the EPA and the FDA. Values can be found in the EPA
Manual of Protective Action Guides and Protective Actions for Nuclear Incidents (EPA 400-R-92-001);
information on PAGs for food and water can also be found in the Federal Register, Vol. 47, No. 205,
pp. 47073-47083, October 22, 1982.
67. Radiation Emergency Assistance Center/Training Site (REAC/TS): A multipurpose medical facility,
located in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, prepared to deal with all types of radiation exposure emergencies and
prepared to provide medical and health physics advice and assistance in radiological emergencies.
68. Radiological Assistance Program (RAP): A DOE program which provides for radiological assistance to
Federal, state, tribal and major Nuclear Regulatory Commission licensees in the event of an incident
involving radioactive materials.
69. Radiological Assistance Team (RAT): Experienced DOE and/or DOE contractor professionals who are
adequately equipped to conduct offsite radiological emergency monitoring. Radiological Assistance Teams
are at all DOE operations offices, all national laboratories, and most area offices and associated contractors.
70. Recovery: Actions taken after a plant has been brought to a stable or shutdown condition to return the plant
to normal operation.
71. Reentry: The temporary, short-term readmission of persons in to a restricted zone to perform some essential
72. Regional Emergency Management Team (REMT): During a COG Emergency, a team composed of
representatives from various Federal departments which has been delegated the authority to coordinate and
maintain liaison with state/local governments, private industry, and Federal field elements within their
respective region.
73. Reportable Occurrence: Events or conditions to be reported in accordance with the criteria defined in DOE
5000.3B. Emergencies, Unusual Occurrences, and Off-Normal Occurrences are Reportable Occurrences.
74. Safety Analysis: A documented process to systematically identify the hazards of a DOE operation; to
describe and analyze the adequacy of the measures taken to eliminate, control, or mitigate identified hazards;
and to analyze and evaluate potential accidents and their associated risks.
75. Secretary's Executive Committee: See Energy Executive Committee (paragraph 30).
76. Site: The area over which DOE has access control authority. This includes any area that has been
designated as a National Security Area.
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