| ![]() DOE-HDBK-5504-95
Source Reference
Applicability & Plan
Plan Element
Reliable - event classification should be based
upon dependable event indicators which are,
whenever possible, directly related to the
severity of the accident.
Internally consistent - different events of a
similar severity should result in the same
classification and different indicators of the same
event should be recognizable as such and result
in the same classification.
Anticipatory - when deciding which classifica-
tion level an EAL is assigned to, the response
level necessary to address the potential
consequences of the events in progress, rather
than just the severity of the event at the time it is
recognized, should be considered.
Redundant - repetition of EALs in procedures,
checklists, control panels, etc. will increase the
probability that an event will be recognized and
the event classification process initiated
Complete - all events and associated observable
indicators identified in the facility/site hazards
assessment should be incorporated in the event
classification system, including multiple contem-
poraneous events.
Conservative - conditions lacking detailed or
quantitative indicators should be classified on
the assumption that the condition has either
challenged or failed the engineered barriers until
confirmed safe by more direct methods.
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