| ![]() DOE-HDBK-5504-95
Source Reference
Applicability & Plan
Plan Element
Usable by persons close to the problem - event
classification methods should be designed using
sound human engineering principles (e.g.,
express EALs in units consistent with
instrumentation and everyday use; use familiar
form and format; place all necessary information
and references in one location; use color coding
or other attention getting devices).
Incorporated with Operations - EALs should be
integrated with normal, off-normal, and
emergency operations procedures, indicators
(i.e., control panels, instrument read out
stations), check lists, safety precautions, and
other operational practices.
DOE 5500.3A
The emergency plan should provide that EALs be
developed for the spectrum of operational emergencies
at the site considered in the hazards assessment,
including (as appropriate) radiological, non-
radiological, terrorism, sabotage, fire, explosion,
security, and natural phenomena.
DOE 5500.3A
The emergency plan should provide that EALs form
the basis for notification and participation of offsite
organizations and for determination of what and when
protective actions will be implemented.
The emergency plan or supporting procedures should
identify personnel (positions) responsible for
determining the classification and action level.
The emergency plan should provide that the
responsibility and authority for initial event
classification should be vested in on-shift
supervisory personnel who are close to the
problem and familiar with the facility.
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