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The purpose of this document is to provide guidance for development of emergency plans for the U.S.
Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Defense Programs (DP), Office of Energy Research (ER), and Office
of Environmental Management (EM) facilities. It gathers emergency planning policy and guidance from
applicable federal regulations, DOE Orders and related guidance documents. This material, along with
recommended good practices, is presented as a checklist against which emergency plans can be reviewed by
DOE Headquarters. The Office of Emergency Response (DP-23), Office of Environment, Safety and Health
Technical Support (ER-8), and Office of Transportation, Emergency Management and Analytical Services
(EM-26) will use this checklist to evaluate plans submitted by DP, ER, and EM field elements.
The guidance enumerated in this document does not alter or supplant the regulations, DOE Orders and
guidance documents on which they are based. Rather, the guidance is intended as a reference tool for
planners and reviewers to help ensure that emergency plans incorporate applicable requirements and
guidance. To facilitate its use, this guidance is organized to parallel the Emergency Management Guide
EMG-F/C, "Standard Format and Content for Emergency Plans."
To maintain currency, this handbook will be updated annually to incorporate changes and additions to
regulatory requirements, DOE policy and guidance. Even with annual updates, however, at any given time
there may be some topics on which more recent guidance has been issued but not yet incorporated.
Therefore, this guidance should always be interpreted in conjunction with the most recent revisions to the
referenced source materials. The source documents in their entirety are the final authority.
This document addresses only those aspects of emergency management that are expected to be found in an
emergency plan. As such it does not address related items that would not be found in the emergency plan
itself, such as allocation of departmental emergency management program responsibilities. The full range
of applicable federal regulations, DOE Orders, and Emergency Management Guides (EMGs) should be
consulted in developing and implementing an emergency preparedness program.
The scope of this document encompasses plans for operational emergencies at DOE facilities, both nuclear
and non-nuclear. Operational emergencies, as defined in Attachment 2 to DOE Order 5500.1B (April 30,
1991) are "significant accidents, incidents, events, or natural phenomena which seriously degrade the safety
or security of DOE facilities. Operational Emergencies apply to DOE reactors and other DOE facilities
(nuclear and non-nuclear) involved with hazardous materials; DOE-controlled nuclear weapons, components,
or test devices; DOE safeguards and security events; and transportation accidents involving hazardous
materials under DOE control." [Note: criteria specific to transportation emergency planning will be added
to this document in a future revision.]
It is recognized that some sites and facilities have multiple plans for emergency response; for example, there
may be a separate Spill Prevention, Control and Counter measures (SPCC) plan in addition to the
Operational Emergency plan. At such locations, some elements of the guidance may be covered under those
other, separate plans. However, that should only be the case for those elements that derive exclusively from
regulations as opposed to DOE Orders or guidance documents. Those elements are marked with an asterisk

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