| DOE-HDBK-5504-95
where they appear in the document. All other elements derive at least in part from DOE Orders and guidance
specifically intended for Operational Emergency plans, and thus should be covered in the facility or site
Operational Emergency plan itself.
This document is divided into two sections. Section A briefly outlines the document's purpose, scope, and
organization. Section B is a checklist for review and approval of emergency plans. The checklist is
organized into 14 "planning steps" corresponding to the 14 plan sections identified in the Standard Format
and Content EMG. The planning steps are:
Emergency Response Organization,
Offsite Response Interfaces,
Operational Emergency Event Classes,
Consequence Assessment,
Protective Actions,
Medical Support,
Recovery and Reentry,
Public Information,
Emergency Facilities and Equipment,
Drills and Exercises, and
Program Administration.
Steps 2 through 14 correspond to the 13 emergency management program elements specified in DOE
Order 5500.3A, Section 11. Within each planning step, the checklist follows the organization of the Standard
Format and Content EMG to the two-digit level. Thus, the major subheadings under each planning step
mirror the subheadings of the corresponding section of the Standard Format and Content EMG.
Each planning step is supported by specific guidance. The guidance incorporates material from (1) Federal
regulations applicable to DOE facilities, (2) DOE Orders governing emergency planning and preparedness,
(3) EMGs, and (4) "good practices" endorsed by DP-23, ER-8, and EM-26 on the basis of knowledge and
experience with emergency planning.
The guidance is presented in a checklist format with three columns. The first column contains references
identifying the sources of the guidance. Each guidance element is referenced to one or more regulatory
sections, DOE Orders or EMGs, or is identified as a suggested good practice. Regulatory references are cited
to the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) and give the title and section number as in standard legal notation.
For example, the reference "40 CFR 264.56" refers to title 40 of the CFR, part 264, section 264.56. DOE
Orders are identified by the acronym "DOE" and the order number. EMGs are identified by abbreviated title.
Table 1 lists the regulations, Orders and EMGs referenced and shows how they are abbreviated.
The second column contains the evaluation guidance. In general, guidance based on regulations, Orders or
EMGs has been taken verbatim from the referenced source. In some cases, editorial changes have been made
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