| DOE-HDBK-6004-99
with No. 2/0 AWG Stranded copper cable at each end tied to the building steel or a ground pad set
in the floor. An insulated grounding grid should be installed in the control room and computer room
for grounding the computer and any other panel that needs grounding connected to the facility
grounding system.
Cathodic Protection
A recommendation for cathodic protection should be made based on the results of soils analysis and
resistivity readings.
Consideration should be given for protection of such facility structures as underground pipes and
storage tanks, surface mounted storage tank bottoms, sheet piling, and concrete encased steel for the
fusion facility containment or confinement building.
Lightning Protection
A lightning protection system should be provided for all major structures. Design and installation of
the system should be in accordance with the NFPA-780.
Lightning protection should be provided for all buildings that need to be protected. The system
should be connected to the station ground grid and to supplementary ground rods if required.
Station type lightning arresters will be provided on each phase of the incoming transmission lines to
the main step-up and the start-up transformers. The arresters will be either mounted on each
transformer, or separately supported and located near each transformer with connections to the high
voltage bushings. The voltage rating of the lightning arresters should be compatible with the ratings
of other surge protective equipment connected to the system.
Fire Detection and Fire Protection
The fire protection system should be designed in accordance with the requirements of National Fire
Protection Association and the applicable local codes and regulations. Equipment and facilities for
fire protection will be provided to protect facility equipment, structures and personnel from fire and
the resultant release of toxic vapors. If there is a possibility of an explosion, the designer should
consider the use of an explosion suppression system (NPFA 69).
Smoke, ionization, and fire detectors should be provided in enclosed areas where electrical
switchgear, motor control centers, control cabinets, etc., are located. Detectors should also be
provided in areas of heavy concentration of cable trays, in ventilation ducts, penetration rooms, the
diesel generator rooms, and selected areas of the containment or confinement. Smoke and fire
detection alarms will be annunciated in the control room and at the fire department or fire brigade.
Fire-walls, barriers and physical separation of redundant safety features electrical equipment should
be provided as required. Vertical cable tray runs will have horizontal fire barriers where required.
Where cable trays pass through openings in walls or floors, fire stops should be provided.
Any smoke from fires should be controlled so that heat and toxic combustion products are kept from
the control room and computer control areas. Smoke movement and control should be accomplished
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