| ![]() DOE-HDBK-6004-99
with ventilation dampers activated by smoke detectors in ducts. Designers should consider using
smoke hatches in building roofs. NFPA 92A and NFPA 204M give smoke control design guidance.
The remote handling systems include robotic, telerobotic, teleoperated, and crane systems for
servicing the areas of a fusion facility with either high potential personnel hazards or where other
methods are not practical. The latter includes combinations of high accuracy, large capacity, and
limited space unique to the fusion facility that will have to be addressed.
Remote handling systems should be provided to minimize personnel exposure to radiation and other
hazards during the operation and maintenance. Remote handling systems should be considered where
it is anticipated that personnel exposures would otherwise approach dose guideline limits or where
contaminated puncture wounds could occur.
The following sections give generalized requirements for remote handling systems derived from the
unique characteristics of the fusion facility. These should be viewed as additions to the requirements
of more traditional robotic systems.
System Definitions
Robot - An automatic, position-controlled, reprogammable, multi-functional manipulator having
several axis, capable of handling materials, parts, tools, or specialized devices through variable
programmed operations for the performance of a variety of tasks.
Telerobot - A robot that is directed through a series of preprogrammed functions or steps by an
operator, in menu driven, teach and play, or simulator functional steps.
Teleoperator - A robot that is under the immediate control of an operator, to perform a series of
robotic motions or functions within workcell constraints, including collision avoidance and automatic
Crane systems - A conventional crane of specialized nature or "smart" crane, such as a "swing free"
General Safety Design Guidance
Remote handling systems should be provided to minimize personnel radiation exposure during the
operation and maintenance of the fusion device. ALARA concepts should be applied to minimize
exposures where cost effective. Remote handling systems should be considered where it is anticipated
that personnel exposures would otherwise approach dose guideline limits or where contaminated
puncture wounds could occur.
Systems or components needed to perform safety functions should be designated as safety-class
systems or components. Components which do not perform safety functions but whose single failure
causes the failure of a safety function should be designated safety-significant components.
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