| ![]() DOE-HDBK-6004-99
3. All controlling signals from sensing devices are within specifications.
4. All control switches are operable.
5. All indicating instrumentation is operable and within specified accuracy.
6. All annunciators are operable as specified.
7. All electrical interlocks are operable and functioning as required.
Mechanical Test Capabilities
The design should include provisions to test mechanical safety features and controls to verify at least
the following:
1. Proper performance of all load cells.
2. All motors are operable and functioning as required.
3. Hoist load and brake tests.
Special Test Capability
The design should include provisions to perform any special testing that is unique to that equipment.
Design Considerations
Most of the remote handling system will be located in the fusion facility. Most remote handling
systems'components will be idle during normal plant operation. The area around the fusion device
Persistent low levels of hydrogen, deuterium, and tritium gases, as well as potential high levels of
these gases during unplanned events, should be considered. Activated dust from plasma facing
components may be present during maintenance or accident conditions and should be considered.
The design should provide for the following general criteria:
1. The remote handling system should be designed such that the operator will not be exposed to a
whole body radiation dose rate greater than the current exposure limits. The maximum allowable
exposure to tritium must be observed.
2. Allowances should be made for equipment movement so that, in performing intended operations,
safe distances can be maintained from personnel in normally accessible work areas.
3. Equipment should be located in areas accessible for operation, testing, inspection, and
maintenance. Where this is not possible, a means of safely retrieving the equipment to a safe area
should be provided. This requirement must include backup methods of safely disconnecting from
radiological hazardous materials, for which the remote equipment is intended.
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