| ![]() DOE-HDBK-6004-99
General Safety Design Criterion
The cooling systems should remove heat from safety-class structures, systems and components and
transfer it to a heat sink such that:
1. Thermal, hydraulic and mechanical parameters are within design limits for the cooling system,
fusion device, confinement barriers and other safety-class equipment.
2. The cooling system provides and maintains a leaktight barrier against uncontrolled release of
fusion ash and radioactivity to the environment.
The cooling systems should comply with these criteria for normal operations, anticipated off-normal
events, and design basis accidents, assuming a worst-case single failure.
Potential System Safety Functions
Cooling system functions credited in the facility safety analysis in order to meet prescribed safety
criteria should be designated safety functions. Potential safety functions for cooling systems include:
Normal Operation, Shutdowns and Anticipated Off-normal Events
1. Remove heat from safety-class structures, systems and components to maintain temperatures
within design limits. For shutdown conditions, to the extent practical, heat removal should be
passive and require no human intervention.
2. Transfer the combined heat load to a safety-class heat sink. For shutdown conditions, to the
extent practical, transfer of heat to a heat sink should be passive and require no human
3. Confine radioactivity entrained or deposited in the coolant system, and provide for suitable
releases to environment or transfer to a waste facility.
4. Detect, measure and isolate leaks or breaks in the coolant system pressure boundary.
5. Provide makeup coolant for small breaks or leaks in the cooling system pressure boundary.
Maintenance of the cooling system maintenance will normally occur during shutdown of the fusion
device. Portions of the cooling system may, however, receive maintenance during normal operations.
Whether maintenance occurs in normal operation or in a shutdown condition, the cooling system will
have the following safety functions.
1. Remove heat from safety-class structures, systems and components to maintain temperatures
within design limits. For shutdown conditions, to the extent practical, heat removal should be
passive and require no human intervention.
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