| ![]() DOE-HDBK-6004-99
Potential System Safety Functions
Normal Operations
Safety-significant remote handling systems and components should not cause a Safety System to fail
under normal plant operating conditions. Potential safety functions during normal operation include:
1. Erect portable radiation shielding panels
2. Place or relocate experimental devices in high radiation fields
3. Test or inspect SSCs as necessary to assure performance of safety functions
Remote handling systems and components should not cause a collision with safety systems or
components while performing normal or abnormal plant maintenance. System design and operational
controls should limit operator radiation exposure. Potential safety functions during maintenance
1. Erect portable radiation shielding panels
2. Replace equipment or components in high radiation fields or transport equipment or components
to a hot-cell.
3. Decontaminate SSCs in preparation for maintenance
Design Basis Accidents
Remote handling equipment classified as safety-class should be designed to function both during and
after a design basis event. Safety-significant remote handling systems and components should not
drop their loads, collide with structures or releasing gas or aerosols under basis accident conditions.
Safety-significant remote handling systems and components should also not cause safety systems or
components to fail under design basis accident conditions. Potential safety functions during design
basis accidents include:
1. Install/place diagnostic instruments
2. Install consequence mitigation devices in high radiation fields or otherwise unsafe conditions.
Beyond Design Basis Accidents
There are no system safety functions required for beyond design basis accidents. Beyond design basis
accidents include internal and external initiators whose frequency is lower than the design basis
frequency specified in the safety analysis.
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