| ![]() DOE-HDBK-6004-99
requirements. Test features of the safety system I&C should be able to detect failures of the system
that could degrade or prevent a safety function from occurring in the presence of a single failure.
The I&C system should include maintainability considerations in the design process. These
considerations should include ease of replacement of components, modules, or subsystems, the access
availability of the equipment with consideration for personnel hazard conditions (radiation, magnetic
fields, temperature, proximity to steam piping or other stored energy conditions, etc.), and the
provision for sufficient bypass or disable capability and test point access to allow for the valid
performance of necessary and adequate testing.
The I&C power system design should provide for the necessary redundant power sources to ensure
that the system will be capable of performing its required function under all normal and postulated
accident scenarios. Power sources that should be considered for the I&C system include
uninterruptible power sources, critical instrument busses capable of being powered from diesel
generator back up power, and battery back up systems.
Control Room Design
The design of the control room should be implemented in accordance with IEC 964 standard
guidelines, with the appropriate modifications for fusion versus fission technologies and hazards. The
underlying principles of the man/machine interface and functional analysis presented in IEC 964 are
appropriate to the design of fusion control facilities.
Adequate radiation and environmental protection should be provided to permit access and occupancy
of the control room under accident conditions where the operator monitoring, mitigative or response
actions are required during or following an accident.
Equipment at locations outside the control room should be provided to achieve and/or maintain the
facility systems in a safe or shutdown condition in the absence of the control functions designated for
that purpose.
Safety Actuation
Safety function actuation should be sealed in, so that the safety function actuation is maintained even
if the logic that initiates the actuation is lost.
Monitoring of after-heat removal after-heat removal (and normal operating heat removal) should
include sufficient information processing and displays to present the heat balance and energy transport
and verify parameters are within the expected ranges. Higher order logical processing and display
may be required to present operators with an integrated picture of the fusion heat removal system.
The input sensors, algorithms, software and hardware required for this safety-significant activity
should meet appropriate reliability standards.
The inherent robustness of the facility confinement systems should be analyzed (and demonstrated)
to show survivability during PIE with the worst case performance of the I&C System. The design
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