| ![]() DOE-HDBK-6004-99
Response Time Requirements and Margins
Facility system designs should be sufficiently robust, to withstand a process perturbation, without
damage or degradation, until the I&C system can detect the change in the monitored parameter,
command a change in the controlled variable and have that system return to the safe or process
normal state. The margin (allowed variation of the process parameter for the allowed time) should
be sufficient for the I&C system to detect the change in the process and respond within some defined
degree of internal delay or failure.
The Basic Control System should be reliable and exhibit adequate response time to maintain normal
fusion operations without unnecessary challenges to or actuation of the safety system. These
necessary attributes should be addressed by performance of sufficient setpoint and instrumentation
uncertainty and response time analysis to ensure adequate margins exist between normal control and
safety system setpoints and limits.
Safety related I&C components should be qualified to perform their intended safety function for the
life of the component. Qualification should address operational requirements and environmental
requirements. Qualification for operational conditions should consider maintenance, testing, and
operation during all operational modes, such as, normal, off normal shutdown, and postulated
accidents. Qualification for environmental conditions should be limited to normal operational
environments, except for those components and systems that must remain operable during and/or
after an accident. Those I&C systems and components required to remain operable during and/or
after an accident should be environmentally qualified for the conditions they are subjected to during
the time it takes to complete their safety functions.
Seismic qualification of I&C systems and components should be considered for those items that are
required to maintain their structural integrity and operability during and after a design basis
Qualification requirements (if any) for systems credited in Design Basis Events should be explicitly
stated in the overall functional requirements. Additional Graded Approach guidance should be
provided to ensure consistency across Facility System Boundaries. This is important to I&C since
the I&C System crosses these boundaries.
Human Factors
A human factors analysis of the control room or local I&C panel operator interfaces with console or
panel controls, displays, indications and alarms should be performed. This includes the interface of
control room functions with local panel operations capability and the interface with digital system
displays and control and response capabilities.
Testability and Maintainability
The I&C system and components should be designed to provide the capability for performance of
periodic testing of all instruments, logic, interlocks, permissive features, bypasses, and other facility
systems. The safety system portion of the I&C system should be capable of confirming the required
calibration, setpoint and time responses with test frequencies that meet the uncertainty analysis
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