| ![]() DOE-HDBK-6004-99
providing sufficient air exchange rate within the confinement zones. (ASHRAE,
ASHRAE 91, DOE 6430.1A)
b) Monitor the contamination levels in the zones to ensure personnel radiological safety
is maintained. (ASHRAE 91, DOE 5480.11, DOE 6430.1A) In addition, any potential
for airborne toxic and corrosive products in the atmosphere that may compromise
personnel safety or equipment operability should be monitored and controlled.
c) Monitor the radiological releases to the environment to ensure the continued
effectiveness of the confinement system to capture and retain radioactive contaminants
before they are exhausted to the environment. (ASHRAE 91, DOE 5480.11, DOE
d) Maintain the required temperature and humidity conditions in the zone. (ASHRAE 91)
2. Maintenance:
Provide the necessary ventilation system functional capabilities to allow for any intentional
breaches of the confinement system that are required to perform maintenance on any portion of
the system. (ASHRAE 91)
3. Design Basis Accidents:
a) Prevent and control the spread of gaseous and radioactive contamination during and
following all credible design basis accidents. (ASHRAE, ASHRAE 91, DOE
b) Monitor the radiological releases to the environment during and following any
credible design basis accident. (ASHRAE 91, DOE 5480.11, DOE 6430.1A)
c) Maintain temperature, pressure and humidity conditions for the equipment required to
operate during and following a DBA. This includes the ability to rapidly remove heat
in worst case loss of coolant accident condition.
Safety-Class Design Standards and Criteria
The safety analysis to determine the safety system classification of the confinement systems and their
associated HVAC systems should be based on the requirements given in DOE-STD-1027-92 or
equivalent. Ventilation systems that are classified as "safety class" should be designed to operate in
conjunction with their associated physical barriers to limit the release of radioactive or other
hazardous material to the environment. In addition they should be subject to appropriately higher
quality design, fabrication and test standards and codes to increase the reliability of the system and
allow credit to be taken for their functional capability in a safety analysis. In addition the safety
analysis should determine the appropriate level of redundancy, diversity, independence and the need
for emergency power to ensure safety system function capability during and following all credible
postulated design basis accidents.
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