| ![]() DOE-HDBK-6004-99
1. Design Approach
The structural design philosophy should be similar to that given for the design and evaluation of DOE
facilities for NPH in DOE Order 6430.1A, (DOE 6430.1A), with its supplemental Standards, (DOE
1020, DOE 1021). The design procedure combines probabilistic and deterministic approaches and
is summarized below:
a) Establish performance category based on the desired target probabilistic performance goal,
expressed as mean annual probability of exceeding the acceptable behavior limits.
b) Develop loads from hazards assessment by specifying mean annual probabilities of
exceeding the acceptable limits.
c) Use deterministic design and evaluation procedures for the resulting load combinations, to
achieve performance goals and to provide a consistent and appropriate level of
conservatism. The design procedures conform closely to industry practices using national
consensus codes and standards. The procedures extend to methods of analyses and to
criteria to assess whether or not the computed response is within acceptable behavior limits.
d) Implement design detailing provisions
e) Maintain appropriate quality assurance and peer review.
Detailing, quality control and peer review are emphasized because:
a) Inelastic energy absorption capacity depends explicitly upon ductility in the structural
b) New technology may involve judgments beyond routine engineering.
The structural design should be based on a graded approach. A graded approach is one in which
various levels of design, evaluation and construction requirements of varying conservatism and rigor
are established ranging from common practice for conventional facilities to very rigorous practices
used for more hazardous facilities. The motivation for the graded approach is that it enables design
or evaluation to be performed in a manner consistent with their importance to safety, importance to
mission, and cost.
2. Design Basis Loads
Design basis loads are derived from the internal and external events identified as the PIE (Postulated
Initiating Events) in the safety analysis. Loads and the combinations thereof should envelop loads
considered in structures per ANSI 83.
Design basis loads arise from different categories: normal operations, unlikely events, and extremely
unlikely events. The performance classification incorporates the probabilities of these events.
Loading combinations should be generated from the bounding sets of these events identified in the
safety analysis.
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