| DOE-HDBK-6004-99
These standards and criteria cover both component level and system level design feature
considerations for safety systems. Component design features necessary for safety systems include
attributes such as equipment qualification, maintainability, failure criteria and testability. In addition
to these attributes, the system level design features should include but not be limited to reliability,
independence, redundancy, human factors and separation.
Each of the standards listed below form a portion of the overall design philosophy for I&C safety
systems. As such, the design intent of all of these standards should be taken as a whole for the
analysis and design of I&C systems.
IEC 964 (1989-03)
Design for control rooms of nuclear power plants.
IEEE 603
Standard Criteria for Safety Systems for Nuclear Power Generating Stations
IEEE 323
Qualifying Class IE Equipment for Nuclear Power Generating Stations
IEEE 352
IEEE Guide for General Principles for Reliability Analysis for Nuclear Power
Generating Station Safety Systems
IEEE 577
IEEE Standard Requirements for Reliability Analysis in the Design and Operation of
Safety Systems
IEEE 420
IEEE Standard for the Design and Qualification of Class IE Control Boards, Panels,
and Racks used in Nuclear Power Generating Stations.
IEEE 379
IEEE Standard Application of the Single Failure Criterion to Nuclear Power
Generating Station Safety Systems
IEEE 384
IEEE Standard Criteria for Independence of Class 1E Equipment and Circuits
IEEE 338
IEEE Standard Criteria for Periodic Surveillance Testing of Nuclear Power
Generating Station Safety Systems
ISA 67.02
S67.02.01: Nuclear Safety-Related Instrument Sensing Line Piping and Tubing
Standard for Use in Nuclear Power Plants
ISA 67.04
S67.04--Part I: Setpoints for Nuclear Safety-Related Instrumentation-- ANSI/ISA-
RP67.04--Part II: Methodologies for the Determination of Setpoints for Nuclear
Safety-Related Instrumentation-1994
ISA 67.06
S67.06: Response Time Testing of Nuclear Safety-Related Instrument Channels in
Nuclear Power Plants-- ANSI/ISA-1984
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