| ![]() DOE-HDBK-6004-99
2. Display parameter values necessary for operator response to off normal systems operating
parameters or transient conditions.
3. Operate permissive or interlock functions designed to prevent facility systems from:
a) entering into off normal operating parameter or transient conditions, or
b) allowing an existing transient condition to continue its off normal excursion.
4. Operate automatically to:
a) respond to off normal or accident conditions,
b) move the facility toward or attain a safe operational state, or
c) mitigate the consequences of the off normal or accident conditions.
5. Enable operator manual initiation of safety related control actions or bypasses.
6. Detect and indicate parameters necessary to ensure the integrity of designated defense in depth
barriers. These parameters may include but are not limited to:
a) indicators of radioactive, toxic, or other material leakage or migration to detect breach
of a barrier,
b) temperature conditions indicative of trends toward undesired material conditions (e.g.,
nil ductility considerations or high-temperature loss of strength),
c) over or under pressurization detection for facility systems, or
d) chemical or gas mixture potential flammability or deflagration detection.
7. Monitor safety barriers and provide for response or mitigation action designed to prevent the
breach of a barrier or to control the effect of barrier breach.
8. Post accident monitoring or control functions necessary for indication, data logging or required
continued systems operations.
9. Measure, display, and alarm conditions approaching or exceeding parameter limits defined by
Technical Specification Requirements or Technical Standards.
Safety Related Design Standards and Criteria
The following listed standards and criteria provide a cohesive philosophy and set of principles
appropriate for application to the analysis and design of I&C Systems and components for fusion
devices. The concepts and principles contained in these documents, including referenced standards,
should be applied, using the necessary adjustments required to account for any specific fusion
technology special considerations.
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