| DOE-HDBK-6004-99
Safety System
The Safety System should be capable of maintaining the facility within the design basis safety analysis
limits and provide operator interface (indication, alarm, data collection, and any necessary manual
interaction), during accident or off normal conditions that may be created by any PIE.
A safety system task analysis should be conducted to determine which safety functions are to be
assigned to the operator and which safety functions are to be machine (automatic action) assigned.
The operator should be provided with manual safety action initiating capability for all safety functions
and with feedback information to confirm the occurrence of the proper actuation and completion of
the selected safety function.
Safety Systems should be designed to fail safe on loss of motive force or power. In addition, safety
systems should be designed to meet single failure criteria. The system should be designed to preclude
failure of a component or subsystem from preventing completion of the required safety function.
Diversity in the monitoring of the parameters and actuation of the control systems should be a basic
principle of the safety system design.
To prevent a failure in the basic control system from degrading the operation of the safety system,
isolation should be provided between any interface of the basic control and safety systems and
separation should be provided and maintained between these systems.
The process variables (parameters) that are selected to provide inputs to the I&C system should be
those which characterize the relevant safety and operational status of the monitored systems and
barriers. This selected set of variables must be analyzed to determine their adequacy to measure and
provide for the necessary control and safety functions. The analysis should include the measurability,
variability, and response action time capability of the process parameter variables and the operational
demands and limitations placed upon the control or safety system design by these parameter variable
The instrumentation selected to measure a process variable should directly measure the variable,
instead of some secondary parameter. Instrumentation should be analyzed to determine if its
reliability, accuracy, and response time characteristics satisfy the control or safety system needs for
all required operating conditions.
Instrumentation should be provided to monitor variables of the facility systems over their anticipated
ranges for normal operation, anticipated operational transients and occurrences, and for postulated
accident conditions to ensure adequate safety and design margins are maintained.
Potential System Safety Function
The potential safety functions for the I&C Systems are:
1. Monitor and indicate by alarm off normal facility systems operating parameters or transient
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