| ![]() Lessons Learned Handbook:
Section 3.2
Disseminating Lessons Learned
Lessons learned can be disseminated through electronic or non-electronic means.
Both of these options can be used to disseminate lessons learned locally (e.g. across a
particular site), DOE-wide, nationally (including external organizations and the public),
or internationally. Dissemination decisions should weigh issues such as existing
dissemination requirements, security concerns, scope of applicability, and timeliness.
These issues affect the type of dissemination that is appropriate. For DOE-wide
dissemination, the DOE Lessons Learned Program provides several electronic options.
These options, as well as non-electronic options, are discussed below. (The "DOE
Lessons Learned Program" is the combined network of site DOE lessons learned
programs. The DOE Lessons Learned Program provides communication linkages across
site-specific programs through methods discussed below.)
Electronic Dissemination
The DOE Lessons Learned Information Services (DOELLIS) will utilize Internet to make
information developed at local levels available to other sites across the DOE complex.
Internet is a collection of networks and routing devices that provide global connectivity
between educational, governmental, and commercial organizations for the purpose of
information exchange. Access to Internet will provide DOE sites with access to local
lessons learned information as well as to a wide range of information from users
across the world. While Internet will provide a vehicle for transferring and accessing
lessons learned information across DOE, the process will be facilitated through the use
of information services established at DOE. Specifically, access to DOE lessons learned
information will be provided through DOE's Office of Environment, Safety and Health
Technical Information Services (TIS).
TIS is a collection of services rather than a traditional information system. TIS provides
seamless applications that span multiple information sources and are presented to the
user through a graphical user interface. The graphical user interface provides a
common format for the TIS services. This means that many of the skills required to
use a single application can be applied to operation of all applications. The user can,
therefore, focus on the information rather than learning about multiple systems. In
addition, all of the applications are able to exchange information (e.g., if a user needs to
view or analyze data found in a database, the data can be copied into an analysis
tool). In addition, TIS employs open systems architecture. The term "open system"
means that the existing system can be adapted and can evolve as needs and
technologies change without losing existing information. Key benefits of the open
system include:
Transparent access of data among different hardware systems;
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