| ![]() After an appropriate root cause model has been used to identify the direct cause, the root cause, and any
applicable contributing cause, these findings can be related to the ORPS cause categories by using one or
more of the worksheets in this appendix. Each of the seven major cause worksheets has a matrix to list
the applicable subcategory cause for each finding. (The same subcategory cause may be listed for up to
four similar findings under columns I through IV). The Worksheet Summary can be used to list, from the
individual worksheets, the one direct cause, the one root cause, and up to three contributing causes, their
descriptions, and the corrective actions for electronic entry.
Worksheet Instructions:
Check each worksheet as applicable or nonapplicable.
List subcategory cause information on each applicable worksheet.
List the applicable subcategory cause for the root cause, the contributing causes,
and the direct cause by placing an R, C, or D in the appropriate box. (The same
cause may be listed for up to four similar findings; for example, four different
failed parts).
Under cause description, reference each cause with the code and Roman numeral
from the matrix and describe each cause (explain how it was related to the
Under recommended corrective actions, list the action intended to correct each
cause to prevent recurrence.
Transfer the direct, the root, and up to three contributing causes and the corrective
actions to the Worksheet Summary. When there are more than three contributing causes,
select those that result in the greatest and most widespread improvement when corrected.
(Note that even though only three contributing causes may be reported, corrective actions
should be made for all identified causes). Use the ORPS PC software to transmit the
results to the ORPS database.
Refer to Appendix C for an example of how to use the worksheets.
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