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DOE 1300.2A
writing and creating standards developing groups; and if
selected, serving as chairperson or in other official
capacities on such bodies or groups;
In order to maintain the independent character of NGSBs,
Department representatives will refrain from decision
making involvement in the day-to-day management of the
NGSBs (e.g., selection of salaried officers and
DOE representatives may vote on actions arising in the
normal course of their participation with NGSBs. However
a Department representative shall not vote if: (a)
specifically instructed by the Department not to vote,
(b) the representative is working in a Departmental
function formerly assigned to the Federal Energy
Administration, or (c) there is a conflict of interest as
noted in 9c(2) above; and
DOE representatives shall endeavor to ascertain, in
advance of participation, Departmental views on
significant issues which are the subject of the standards
development activity, and as a minimum express views
which are not inconsistent with, or in conflict with,
established Department positions or Federal policy.
EFFECTIVE DATE. This Order is effective 120 days after approval.
Admiral, U.S. Navy (Retired)
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