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DOE 1300.2A
Standards-developinq Groups. Committees, subcommittees,
boards, or other principal subdivisions of NGSBs, established
by such bodies for the purpose of developing, revising, or
reviewing standards, and which are bound by the procedures of
those bodies.
Non-Government Standards Body SUpp ort.
The types of support
included are:
Direct financial support (e.g., sustaining membership,
grants, and contracts);
Technical support (e.g., cooperative testing for
standards evaluation and participation of DOE
representatives in the activities of standards-developing
Administrative support (e.g., travel costs associated
with meetings, hosting of meetings and secretarial
Planning support (e.g., joint planning with NGSBs to
facilitate a coordinated effort); and
Other funding support (e.g., travel funds and per diem
costs for qualified consumer participation when such
participation will improve the development of a
Policy. Adherence to appropriate NGSsin the design,
construction, testing, modification, operation,
decommissioning, decontamination, and remediation of DOE's
facilities and activities is necessary for the successful
implementation of the Department's policies. Standards proven
through years of experience and accepted by professional and
technical societies shall be used wherever applicable. No
matter how carefully conceived and properly developed,
technical standards cannot address all eventualities.
Therefore, DOE employees and contractors must critically assess
the standards in use at DOE facilities to ensure that they
remain consistent with the latest information arising from
operational experience and developments in science and
technology. Where standards do not exist or where existing
standards do not suffice, appropriate DOE standards shall be
developed and adopted.
App lication of NGSs. It is the policy of the Department
to rely on the use of, and adherence to NGSs when such
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