| ![]() DOE 1300.2A
standards are adequate and appropriate for the intended
(2) DOE Technical Standards Program. It is the policy of the
Department to establish a DOE Technical Standards Program
Ensures the development of DOE and DOE limited
standards when NGSs are not available or
appropriate for use, or reference the NGS with
necessary tailoring when the NGS does not fully
satisfy the DOE requirements;
Ensures the development of DOE standards when
limited standards have applications beyond a
particular Secretarial Officer's facilities,
programs, and projects;
Ensures that all DOE and DOE limited standards are
maintained current, and suitable for use;
Ensures the involvement of Departmental elements
affected by or having an interest in DOE standards;
Actively pursues the conversion of DOE and DOE
limited standards into NGSs when such conversion
will enhance the development and technology
transfer of DOE experience to commercial processes,
procedures, systems, practices, or methods; and
Is consistent with Federal statutes and policies
taking into account, for example, laws and
regulations relating to antitrust, national
security, small business, product safety, the
environment, conflict of interest, and the use of
the International System of Units (SI-Metric) as
the preferred measurement system.
Participation. It is the policy of the Department to
encourage participation in NGSBs. Consideration of
participation shall be given if:
Such activity is deemed to be in the pubic interest
and compatible with the Department's mission,
authorities, priorities, and budget limitations;
(b) Such participation does not represent a conflict of
interest for the Department or for the Department's
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