| ![]() DOE 1300.2A
Include consideration of standards selection and
development in the approval of facility, program, and
project management agreements/plans;
(10) Approve initiatives for DOE and limited standards
development; obtain concurrence on each standards project
from NE-70 to ensure that the project is given visibility
and is not duplicative; and ensure availability of
required resources;
(11) Provide information to NE-70 on the title, scope,
schedule, and participants, including the responsible
individual or committee chair, for all projects assigned
to develop new or to revise existing limited and DOE
Standards; to convert existing standards to NGSs; and to
adopt NGSs;
(12) Support and encourage participation in NGSBs consistent
with the policy in Paragraph 7a(3);
(13) Nominate qualified individuals (both Headquarters and/or
field personnel) to serve as DOE representatives on NGSBs
and notify NE-70 utilizing the procedure contained on DOE
F 1300.2 (Attachment 1);
(14) Make determinations regarding the voting status and
conflict of interest status of proposed and existing DOE
representatives to NGSBs. Ensure that DOE
representatives are cautioned to abstain from voting in
situations in which there are conflicts of interest.
Determination on the legislative authority for some DOE
functions and potential conflict of interest situations
may require consultation with the Office of General
(15) Ensure that DOE representatives are advised of the
Department's policy on participation, especially those
provisions contained in paragraph 7a3;
(16) Replace existing DOE Standards with NGSs when such action
will enhance the development and technology transfer of
DOE experience to commercial processes, procedures,
systems, practices, or methods;
(17) Periodically review individual participation with NGSBs
to determine if participation is still appropriate and
report the changes on DOE F 1300.2 (Attachment 1);
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