| ![]() DOE 1300.2A
(18) Evaluate and respond to requests for support from NGSBs
in areas of assigned responsibilities; and notify NE-70
of the resultant action; and
(19) Report to the Assistant Secretary for Nuclear Energy
(NE-1) by the end of each fiscal year, describing
Secretarial Office support given to each NGSB as direct
financial support (separate estimates for each NGSB)
including organizational membership fees paid, contracts
given to NGSBs, and grants to NGSBs.
The Assistant Secretary for Nuclear Energy (NE-1 ), shall:
Develop policies and procedures to implement the
Department's standards program, policies, and activities,
interpret this Order, and make recommendations for
changes as appropriate;
Provide a focal point for management of the DOE Technical
Standards Program and the coordination of internal and
external matters relating to the Department's standards
policy and program. Such coordination shall include
liaison with other Federal agencies; represent the
Department as a member of the Interagency Committee on
Standards Policy; and coordination with NGSBs,
recognizing that standards development is the
responsibility of the Secretarial Officers;
Maintain an overview of DOE standards activities to
identify generic issues, problems, and proposals for
consideration of DOE management; and develop the
supporting information necessary for such consideration;
Be responsible for ensuring the implementation of OMB
Circular No. A-119 by DOE, including interfacing with the
Secretary of Commerce in the development of the
procedures required by the Circular;
Support and encourage participation by all elements of
DOE in NGSBs consistent with the requirements in
Paragraph 9c;
Coordinate contracts and grants to NGSBs to preclude
Establish and maintain sufficient records for reporting
on a periodic' basis the extent of the Department's -
support for and participation in the development of
NGSBs. These records shall include information on:
Standards program and activities;
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