| ![]() DOE 1300.2A
The Department determines it has appropriate
resources to make creditable contributions to the
activity; and
(d) The proposed activity would not duplicate a
published standard or work actively being developed
or revised by another NGSB to such an extent that
the work would contain similar requirements and
test methods, unless such duplication is deemed by
the Department to be compatible with its needs and
in the public interest.
Objectives. The objectives of the standards policy are to:
Require the use of NGSs when such standards are adequate
and appropriate for the intended application;
Require the development of standards which can be used in
the safe, reliable, and efficient design, construction,
testing, modification, operation, surveillance,
decommissioning, decontamination, and remediation of
facilities; in the development and production of
materials, components, and systems; and in the
acquisition of valid technology data;
Reduce technical risk to DOE facilities, programs, and
projects and ensure the protection of the health and
safety of the public, workers, and the environment by
using established standards which have been proven
through experience and accepted by the technical
Support DOE facility, program, and project technology
transfer to private sector practice;
Encourage consistency in standards application among
similar DOE facilities, program, and project activities;
Provide for participation in development of NGSs which
have application to the Department's programs; and
Delegate to the operational level maximum authority to
execute the program.
Secretarial Officers. including Program Secretarial Officers
(PSOs), shall:
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