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DOE 1300.2A
Personnel (DOE and DOE contractors) participating
in NGS development activities;
Externally developed NGSs for potential use by DOE;
Existing DOE and limited standards and those under
development to satisfy DOE needs; and
Resources applied to standards utilizing input from
the Office of Chief Financial Officer and the
Office of Administrations and Human Resource
Assist Secretarial Officers in establishing appropriate
DOE and limited standards activities, as requested;
Develop and maintain appropriate policies, guidance, and
criteria governing the participation of the Department
and the Department's employees and M&O contractors
(representatives) in the activities of NGSBs;
Maintain cognizance of determinations made by
organizational elements, including field operations
concerning the voting status of Department
representatives participating in NGSBs;
Evaluate and coordinate requests for support and
participation from NGSBs having general impact on the
Department elements; and
Develop an annual report on standards activities to
advise management on the extent and type of involvement
with NGSBs, and other reports as necessary in carrying
out these responsibilities including reports required by
Section 5b.
The Director, Office of Nuclear Safely Policy and Standards,
(NE-70) is assigned responsibility bY NE-l for coordination and
management of the DOE standards program. NE-70 s h a l l :
(1) Provide leadership, guidance, and assistance to
Headquarters and field offices, when requested, on
standards development and application;
(2) Chair the Departmental Standards Committee; coordinate
program standards activities under the technical
cognizance of Secretarial Officers and represent DOE on
the Interagency Committee on Standards Policy;
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