| ![]() DOE-STD-1027-92
The purpose of this DOE Standard is to establish guidance for the preparation and review of
hazard categorization and accident analyses techniques as required in DOE Order 5480.23,
Nuclear Safety Analysis Reports. This new Order requires further guidance to ensure
consistency across all nuclear facilities within the DOE complex. This DOE Standard imposes
no new requirements on nuclear facilities. Instead, it focuses on (1) the definition of the
standard identifying nuclear facilities required to have SARs in order to comply with the Order,
(2) the SAR implementation plan and schedule, (3) the hazard categorization methodology to be
applied to all facilities, and (4) the accident analysis techniques appropriate for the graded
approach addressed in the Order. DOE Order 5480.23 and its attached guidance document
provide some direction on the use of the graded approach. This report is intended not to
supersede that direction, but to supplement and clarify it. Methods other than those suggested
in this guide may be considered for applying the graded approach, but they must be justified
whenever grading is applied.
This DOE Standard is to be used with DOE Order 5480.23 and may not be applicable to other
DOE Orders. Regarding the applicability of other nuclear safety Orders to those facilities
which fall below category 3 criteria, as defined by this standard, the PSOs shall provide
guidance, as appropriate.
Developed by a working group with contributions from all Secretarial and oversight
organizations having nuclear safety responsibilities, with input from several field and
contractor organizations, and with clarifying direction from the Senior Nuclear Managers
meeting of October 26, 1992, this standard applies to DOE nuclear facilities as defined in the
Order and is suitable for DOE nuclear facilities.
Background and Format
The Department of Energy (DOE) has the responsibility to establish rules, regulations, and
Orders as necessary to protect health or to minimize danger to life or property. In carrying
out this responsibility, DOE has issued Order 5480.23, Nuclear Safety Analysis Reports.
This Order specifies requirements for safety analyses involving DOE nuclear facilities, and
for submittal, review, and approval of contractor plans and programs to meet these
This document provides specific guidance on several of the requirements contained in this Order.
mandate the development of a SAR under this Order. Section 2 discusses the SAR upgrade plan
and schedule which must to be submitted to each PSO. Section 3 provides a uniform
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