| ![]() DOE-STD-1027-92
Accident analysis consists of the four distinct elements highlighted in Figure 4.1: (1)
Release Mechanism Analysis, (2) Sequence Selection, (3) Engineering Analysis, and
(4) Consequence Analysis. Figure 4.1 displays the relationships between the
analysis techniques available to evaluate accident consequences, and the hazard
and complexity parameters associated with the graded approach. The decision
criteria blocks shown immediately after each of the distinct elements provide for
immediate consideration of the information learned in that step of the analysis. For
example, if the Release Mechanism Analysis identifies information concerning an
obvious flaw in the design or operation of a facility, immediate action should be taken
to correct the flaw, and the release mechanism analysis would be appropriately
modified. This same iterative consideration to correct problems identified in the
analysis would occur throughout the accident analysis process.
Thus, accident analysis is used not only to provide insight into the vulnerabilities in
the system, but also to improve the systems and reduce the consequences of
accidents. The following discussion highlights the four key elements of the accident
Release Mechanism
This element provides the analysis for determining the vulnerabilities in the structures,
systems, and components to create conditions for or cause releases of hazardous
material. There are several Hazard Analysis techniques used to identify these
vulnerabilities. They range from simple techniques such as checklists to complex
techniques such as Hazard and Operability (HAZOP) Studies or integrated fault trees
and event trees. The analysis technique should be selected on the basis of the
significance of the potential hazards in the facility and the complexity of the processes
which could affect the hazard. A summary of the levels for the preferred analysis
technique as a function of the hazard and complexity of the facility is shown in Figure
evaluation sufficiently detailed to identify potential releases which could adversely affect
the worker, the public, or the environment. The results of the release mechanism step
are a comprehensive set of potential accident sequences which provide the basis for
the next element, sequence selection.
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