| ![]() DOE-STD-1029-92
C Will users be directed to small, isolated sections, rather than whole procedures
or appendixes?
C Will branching and referencing cause users to bypass prerequisites that affect
the section to which they are being directed.
C Will branching and referencing cause users to bypass precautions and
limitations that affect the section to which they are being directed.
If referencing or branching is appropriate, then use the following methods for
referencing and branching:
[a] Make it clear to the users that they are being directed to other material. Do
not expect them to know implicitly that other material is being referenced.
[b] Fully specify the location the user is to go when cross-referencing. If the user
is being sent to another procedure, identify the procedure number, title, and
section of the procedure. If the user is being sent to another location in the
base procedure, identify the specific location in the procedure.
[c] Use a consistent format for presenting cross-references. Emphasize key words
consistently so that users can identify a cross-referenced action step.
Use a term such as GO TO presented in all capital letters to indicate departure
from the base procedure.
[d] If referencing, use the term RETURN TO presented in all capital letters to
indicate the reentry point into the base procedure.
[e] If referencing, use the terms GO TO and RETURN TO in the same action step.
[f] Ensure that a reference or branch directs the user to all material needed as a
prerequisite to the identified material. For example, ensure that in executing a
reference or branch, the user does not bypass an applicable caution or
prerequisite action step.
Data sheets are used exclusively for recording information, not prescribing how action
steps are to be completed. Therefore, the referencing and branching techniques of this
section are not applicable to data sheets.
Action Steps with Acceptance Criteria
Acceptance criteria provide a basis for determining the success or failure of an activity.
Acceptance criteria may be qualitative (specify a given event that does or does not occur)
or quantitative (specify a value or value range).
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