| ![]() DOE-STD-1029-92
EXAMPLE 4-17. Numbered notes.
NOTE 2 The following action step requires a time measurement starting at the
initiation signal.
Write notes as short, concise statements. Write notes as statements rather than as
commands to distinguish them from action steps (for example, "The following
action step starts a timed duration.").
Use appropriate emphasis techniques (for example, italics) to distinguish notes
from cautions or warnings.
Include only one topic in each note.
Avoid overusing notes.
Action Steps Directing Users Elsewhere-- Branching and
To perform a task, sometimes users must branch or reference another procedure, section,
or appendix. Branching routes the procedure user to other action steps or sections within
the procedure or to other procedures, and the user does not return to the original position.
Referencing routes the procedure user to other action steps or sections within the
procedure or to other procedures and then back to the original position in the base
Referencing and branching increase the potential for error with attendant safety and
administrative consequences. Therefore, branching and referencing are highly
discouraged. Use referencing and branching only when it is necessary to direct the user to
information that is vital to the performance of the activity and it is not appropriate to
incorporate that information into the base procedure.
Evaluate the following criteria to determine if referencing or branching is
appropriate. If the answer to all of the following is "NO", then referencing or
branching may be appropriate.
C Can action steps be readily incorporated rather than referenced?
C Will branching and referencing decrease user comprehension and ease of use?
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