| ![]() DOE-STD-1029-92
C Changes or special conditions established by the procedure that could affect or
appear to affect other equipment or systems. For example, performing the
procedure could involve mechanical or electrical bypass (lifted leads, inhibits,
jumpers, and fuse removals) or other functional restrictions.
C Methods and instructions for communication among multiple persons required
to perform an action.
C Inspection for degradation of qualified equipment (for example,
environmentally qualified or seismically qualified equipment).
Identify parameters and acceptable ranges needed to perform the procedure.
[a] Use the same units of measure in the procedure that users will read from the
facility instrumentation.
[b] If there is an acceptable range for a parameter, include the acceptable range
rather than a point value.
Action Steps with Warnings, Cautions, and Notes
Warnings alert users to potential hazards to personnel. Cautions alert users to potential
hazards to products or equipment. Notes call attention to important supplemental
Warnings and Cautions
Warnings and cautions attract attention to information that is essential to safe
performance; they usually consist of the conditions, design limitations, practices, and
procedures to be complied with to avoid loss of life, personal injury, health hazards, or
damage to equipment. An industry study of significant events attributed one-fourth of all
human performance events to a failure to provide proper warnings and cautions.
Review potential hazards with facility technical specialists to determine warnings
or cautions that need to be included.
Determine those parts of the procedure where the addition of information is
Review each action step and list the potential hazards in warning or caution
Position warnings and cautions so they are complete on one page and appear
immediately before and on the same page as the action step(s) to which they apply.
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