| ![]() DOE-STD-1029-92
and walkdowns and identifying behavioral obstacles, cautions, and valuable nonstandard
source documentation beyond safety analysis reports (SARs), probabilistic risk
assessments (PRAs), technical safety requirements (TSRs), vendor manuals, and old
Because procedures are a critical element of maintaining a safety envelope, they must be
based on the same facility design bases, design verification and functional test results,
safety analyses, and operating limits and surveillance requirements used to establish the
safety envelope. There are at least three pertinent bases to consider for the development
of the technical procedure, the management control basis, technical basis, and design
The technical basis of a technical procedure is a compilation of information such as the
Safety Analysis Report, Technical Safety Requirements, operational "lessons learned",
facility configuration, and conditions of performance. The technical basis documentation
is needed to describe the technical parameters and boundaries within which the process is
The management control basis of a technical procedure contains information such as
management controls on the process, facility administrative requirements, and relevant
management plans and programs.
The design basis of a technical procedure includes the design criteria, vendors, and
engineering standards drawings and specifications that were used in the design and
construction of the facility.
The process of establishing the bases involves activities used to research and plan the
content of a procedure. The bases of a procedure must be defined before the actual writing
can begin. The procedure writer develops procedure bases by either updating the bases of
a current procedure or creating bases for a new procedure. The bases provide a
researched compilation and analysis of the engineering and design, safety, operations,
regulatory, vendor, and administrative information necessary to develop a comprehensive
and usable procedure. They are based on the facility as-built drawings, lessons learned,
test information, administrative and management controls, and other relevant information.
The bases are working documents and are part of the Procedure History File (PHF). The
PHF is compilation of all pertinent information used to develop the procedure and any
subsequent revisions. The bases are used to analyze the requirements that must be
included in a procedure or revision. The contents of the bases may be revised during
procedure preparation to ensure that the final product contains accurate and relevant
All the bases combined are referred to as the procedural basis. The procedural basis is
used for:
Writing the procedure
Simplifying the review process
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